
Gra­fi­sche Sys­teme GmbH was foun­ded in 1988 by Vol­ker and Ange­lika Schischke as a tra­ding com­pany in sel­ling machinery for the prin­ting indus­try. Focus­sed on con­ti­nuous pro­duc­tion and star­ting with forms prin­ting, we have addres­sed our­sel­ves since middle of the nine­ties to the label and packa­ging prin­ting indus­try. Our pro­duct range today inclu­des prin­ting machi­nes for almost every prin­ting pro­cess from dif­fe­rent manu­fac­tu­rers in Europe and Asia, inclu­ding ink jet as well as toner based diti­gal prin­ting. We also sup­ply an excel­lent choice of modern con­ver­ting machi­nes for dif­fe­rent app­li­ca­ti­ons and budgets,including digi­tal finis­hing machi­nes. Use­ful access­ories com­plete our pro­duct range. Fur­ther­more we can pro­vide label waste solu­ti­ons for your prin­ting shop.
From the start nar­row web fabric prin­ting has been for us a small but important mar­ket.
We offer tech­ni­cal ser­vice for all our pro­ducts and we sup­port our custo­mers sel­ling their pre-used machinery.

Since the pre­ma­ture death of Vol­ker Schischke in Decem­ber 2006 the com­pany was jointly run by Ange­lika Schischke and Hol­ger Grund­mann, as equal mana­ging part­ners. Our office is based in Meer­busch as is our Ser­vice Cen­ter and Show Room where we regu­larly orga­nize pre­sen­ta­ti­ons of inte­res­ting new pro­ducts. In Janu­ary 2015 we have com­bi­ned both divi­si­ons at Nikolaus-Otto-Straße 8.  The sales orga­ni­sa­tion  Link Label Europe was estab­lished in 2015 under our lea­dership.

Sep­tem­ber 1st 2023 we have cele­bra­ted our 35 years anni­ver­s­ary. This has been enab­led by the con­fi­dence of our custo­mers and the inno­va­tions of our sup­pliers. Thank you!

In Febru­ary 2024, Ste­ven Pol­land takes over the posi­tion of Head of Sales, which had to be fil­led fol­lo­wing the sud­den death of Hol­ger Grund­mann.


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