Hot foil stamping

FOTO SAM Evolution


Linea 210, Linea 330
Our finis­hing machi­nes built by SAM
MECCA­NICA are modu­lar com­bi­ned
out of hot foil stam­ping, screen prin­ting
and die cut units. The Linea 330 offers
the more sophisti­ca­ted tech­no­logy with
the selec­tion bet­ween semi­ro­tary and
flat bed units and two dif­fe­rent web widths.

Fur­ther­more there is a spe­cial model
sui­ta­ble for fle­xi­ble packing in web width
up to 640 mm.


Link 350 H digi­tal
Most effi­ci­ent for high-end-finishing of labels.
The LINK LABEL hot foil stam­ping machine
350 H digi­tal pro­vi­des all func­tions servo dri­ven,
inclu­ding stroke and plate resi­dence time. The
unit is avail­able with fixed or turn­able foil fee­ding.
Various con­ver­ting units com­plete the sys­tem
to a cus­to­mi­zed finis­hing machine.

fur­ther infor­ma­tion:
Link Hot foil + die cut digi­tal (pdf)
Video of a con­fi­gu­ra­tion with sreen prin­ting
Video Screen Printing/Hotfoil/DieCut

new: the turn­able foil fee­ding head is now
avail­able also for nar­row web 330 mm in a
com­pact machine with unwind and rewind.

Link com­pact Hot Foil Stam­ping Machine H 330 TC (pdf)

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