Flexo printing

eFlex, Pro­flex, Cen­traflex, Reflex

Since 1990 FOCUS Flexo prin­ting machi­nes
have been among our most suc­cess­ful pro­ducts.
Manu­fac­tu­red in modu­lar or CI-design,
pre­do­mi­nantly servo dri­ven, they offer the wide
range of fea­tures which is deman­ded for modern
nar­row web label and packa­ging pro­duc­tion.
The model eFlex is a modu­lar machine equip­ped
with the latest print and drive tech­no­logy,
fle­xi­ble in fea­turing, easy to ope­rate, fast set up.
Some of these fea­tures are now incor­po­ra­ted also
into the latest Pro­flex »Se« and »e« models.

fur­ther infor­ma­tion:

Cen­traflex (pdf)
cen­tral impres­sion drum flexo prin­ting
machine up to 6 colours, 250 or 330 mm

Pro­flex Se (pdf)
servo dri­ven modu­lar flexo prin­ting machine
2-10 colours, 250 or 330 mm
Video card­board 

Pro­flex e (pdf)
the lower bud­get alter­na­tive with mecha­ni­cal
drive and simi­lar ease of use

eFlex (pdf)

Modu­lar flexo prin­ting press
latest drive and print tech­no­logy
2-12 colours, 330 or 430  mm
Video unsup­por­ted film

Reflex S (pdf)
re regis­ter sin­gle colour flexo prin­ting and
con­ver­ting machine, rotary or semi­ro­tary
die cut opti­ons  250, 330 or 430 mm

Cen­traflex UV Casing (pdf)
spe­ci­ally fea­tured for prin­ting on casings


Link FLX-350
up to 10 colours
Web width  350, 450, 550 mm

fur­ther infor­ma­tion



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