Screen printing

FOTO SAM Siebdruck Ausschnitt

SAM Linea  330
Screen prin­ting is the best sui­ta­ble prin­ting pro­cess
to attract atten­tion with full colour prin­ted areas.
Hot foil stam­ping is to add even more value to
the pro­duct. SAM MECCA­NICA offers both prin­ting
pro­ces­ses as sin­gle or mul­ti­co­lour machi­nes with
or wit­hout die cut unit or com­bi­ned in a ver­sa­tile
finis­hing machine.




Link 330 S
Servo con­trol­led screen prin­ting machi­nes
from LINK LABEL are made to stand ambi­tious
chal­len­ges. Loop con­trol­led com­bi­ned in line
with a semi­ro­tary let­ter­press or an off­set prin­ting
machine, inte­gra­ted in a con­ver­ting line as well
as a one colour or a mul­ti­co­lour stand alone:
this unit will pro­vide a bril­li­ant and pre­cise
prin­ting result.

fur­ther infor­ma­tion:
Link Label Screen prin­ting (pdf)
Video Screen Printing/Hotfoil/DieCut

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