Die cutting

Flat bed die cut­ting machi­nes
Our digi­ti­zed flat bed die cut­ting machine
digi L-320 is sup­plied by LINK LABEL.
Infeed, stroke and pres­sure adjust­ment
are con­trol­led by servo motors.
This unit can also be part of a finis­hing line.

fur­ther infor­ma­tion:
digi L-320 (pdf)


Other flat bed die cut machi­nes manu­fac­tu­red
by LINK LABEL are 330 D and 400 D.
These models have ana­lo­gue con­trol­led pres­sure
Modu­lar exten­d­a­ble with ano­t­her units or with
hot stam­ping units as well as in line com­bi­na­ted
with a semi­ro­tary let­ter­press or with a screen
prin­ting machine.



Click here to find more
rotary - flat bed - semi­ro­tary
re-register die cut machi­nes
for con­ver­ting and finis­hing prin­ted rolls.

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